Key Duplication and Lockout Services
Delivering Key Duplication Service At Your Location
Our service model is unique. Unlike other locksmiths, we don’t ask you to visit us for the purpose of getting your keys duplicated. Give us a call and make reservation for our key duplication service. We take the responsibility to show up at your mentioned address and make a duplicate key for your car/house/security device key. We can visit you while you are at work. Just hand over the key and go back to work while we manufacture the duplicate key in 10 minutes only. King Locksmith Greensboro NC is willing to induce maximum convenience in locksmith services.
Lockout Services Can Be Hired Anywhere Anytime
King Locksmith Greensboro NC bends the rules when it comes to delivering solutions for the customers. We are willing to cross all the boundaries in order to serve you. Now, we are providing 24/7 lockout services. Car, home and commercial site lockout services can be delivered anywhere at any time you want. That’s right, nothing would stop us from serving you whether it’s a storm or 3am in the morning. All you need to do is to make a call at 336-257-1191.
New locks installation is as important as buying the locks
How do you buy a new lock? Do you just visit some shop and pick any lock at random? No. You do quite a bit of research in choosing the best locks. You may not know this but installing a lock needs the same amount of care. If a good lock is installed improperly, it is as good as buying a poor quality lock. Locks installed improperly can give you frequent problems. You will spend more money for repairing than for buying the lock. If you have a need for new locks installation, get it done by King Locksmith Greensboro, the experts.
Leave re-keying jobs to the experts
If you miss a duplicate key, you can’t risk someone who stole the key, using it to open your lock. The best way to ensure security is to go for re-keying. This is a process of making a new set of keys for a lock, different from the previous keys. This can be done without disturbing the lock. But it needs high level skill to do this because the keys have to be changed by making some alterations in the lock mechanism without causing any damage to the lock. King Locksmith Greensboro has a lot of experience in re-keying.
Transponder keys – Only an expert can fix the problems
Transponder keys are different from conventional keys. They are products of an Electronics era. If you have a problem with a transponder key, go to an expert who can fix it, not to a regular locksmith. Conventional locksmiths may not be trained in servicing keys that work on the principles of Electronics. Only a company like King Locksmith Greensboro, which has versatile skills to handle all kinds of keys can repair your transponder keys. Electronic products are sensitive and can be easily damaged. That’s why we have experts trained in Electronics to handle transponder keys. Call us to repair your keys in a professional way.
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